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Undertaking a task as big as 4Generations2Come requires that we do so mindful of God’s guidance in how we ought to approach life.  As such, we have built the program around Paul’s admonition to the church.  In his instruction, he gives three principles to operate under:

  • Steadfastly in Prayer – We have taken every step mindful of our complete dependence on God. This cannot change as we move into the next phases for consideration.
  • Being Watchful – The word suggests a commitment to avoiding sin and selfishness. We want our approach and methods to always be done with integrity and a mind to outreach.
  • With Thanksgiving – To truly develop a heart of giving, we must begin with a heart of thanksgiving. We should all be thankful for what God has done at WHBC in the past and what He has given each of us individually that we can pass onto others!


Auditorium Renovation and Welcome Center Construction

Renovate auditorium to incorporate “side wings” into usable space.  Renovation will increase seating capacity and include a wider stage, new multi-media, Green Room, choir room, welcome center, gathering spaces and hospitality area.

How Can you Help?


Our foremost desire concerning this project is that everything be done with prayer. Therefore, what we desire most from you is your commitment to pray with us about it.

  • Pray for the continued unity of our church.
  • Pray for right attitudes for everyone involved.
  • Pray for God’s provision.


If you feel led to donate to this project, you can do that in a few ways.

  1. Go to our e-giving page here on the website and set up an electronic gift by following the instructions.
  2. Put your offering in a specially marked envelope at the church or write your check to WHBC and in the memo line indicate your donation is for “4Generations2Come.”